Our StoryMii
At StoryMii, imagination is the spark and technology, the kindling. Our "Igniting Imagination" pillar isn't just about reading—it's about crafting personal narratives. We empower children to become authors, handing them the pen to script their adventures.

This active creation elevates literacy, as "Enlightening Minds" forge their paths to knowledge through stories of their making.
Our commitment to "Fostering Futures" manifests in our support for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. We integrate cultural richness, offering multilingual tales that strengthen cognitive and empathetic muscles. Through digital libraries and communities, we embrace eco-friendly practices, curbing the environmental impact of traditional publishing. StoryMii leads with diversity at its core—championing inclusivity within the tech sphere. We offer a stage for underrepresented voices, fostering an environment where women in leadership can shine, furthering innovation

Central to our vision is the StoryMii Community Portal, a vibrant hub for authors and home story creators. Here the StoryMii Community can share their stories to cultivate a deep sense of acceptance, understanding, and inclusivity globally. Our platform is a vibrant center for learning and personal growth—affordable, accessible, and designed to kindle the flame of creativity in young minds.
StoryMii Pillars
On a cold winter night, a family much like your own was struggling through bedtime with some tiny tyrants ages 4 and 6. There just wasn't a story on their expansive bookshelf that satisfied their needs on such a night. Nothing was enticing, and everything was "boring". Little Nolan grumpily emptied his schoolbag onto his bedroom floor and pulled out a picture he painted at school that day. He proudly announced that it was "Speedy Pizza" a very fast piece of pizza. This gave his dad Ryan an idea. As tech junkies, Ryan and Nancy have been toying with a new and exciting new AI platform for some time. Maybe the collaboration between technology and Speedy Pizza is exactly what this bedtime needed. And so, the seeds of StoryMii were planted.
Ignite Imaginations
Enlighten Minds
Foster Futures
Within minutes, Ryan came back into the little boy's bedroom and read a custom "Speedy Pizza" story to Nolan and Lilo. It was a huge hit! A custom story just for them. From that day forward, Speedy and his various friends have travelled to lands near and far, helped Nolan and Lilo navigate plenty of life's tricky situations, and provided plenty of giggles every night. With their imaginations ignited, stories of Speedy and gang has helped both children enlighten their minds, all the while fostering understanding for a brighter more sustainable and diverse future.

As a family we wanted to bring this wonderful and exciting experience to all families around the world, creating a platform for creation, community, and caring. StoryMii is a nurturing space where the vibrant creativity and unique experiences of every young mind are not only allowed to flourish but are also acknowledged and harnessed. StoryMii's community cultivates a deep sense of acceptance, understanding, and inclusivity, enabling each story toresonate with heartfelt emotion and meaning. StoryMii and MiiApps will leverage technology to elevate the desires in our hearts and minds, enhance the human experience, and tailor life just for Mii.